Running Your PTA
You’re a busy PTA volunteer and you’ve got a lot going on, but we’re here to help you with the IRS 990 tax-filing process. Review and follow these pointers on what your PTA needs to file.
It is important that you file your Form 990 annually by the due date of November 15. If your unit does not file, or if you file late, there may be penalties, fees and/or a costly revocation of your 501 (c)(3) tax-exempt status by Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
But we’re here to help you meet the deadline and file in a correct and timely manner. Depending on your unit’s gross revenues/receipts, your PTA will need to file IRS Form 990N (e-Postcard) 990EZ, or 990 (long form).
IF YOU NEED MORE TIME and your gross receipts/revenues are greater than $50,000, you can complete IRS Form 8868. If you file Form 8868 the IRS will extend your filing deadline six months to May 15, for Form 990 or 990EZ. Form 8868 must be filed by midnight on November 15. To meet compliance, immediately forward the IRS “accepted” 8868 to Florida PTA after filing, email: [email protected]
To prepare to file your taxes, the first thing you need to do is complete the Annual Audit for the period July 1 through June 30 of the following year.
- The numbers on the Annual Audit will help you complete the tax documents
- If you need assistance completing your Annual Audit, please contact Orange County Council PTA, your Region Representative or Florida PTA.
- Here is the link to the annual audit report on The Florida PTA website. Detailed Instructions to complete the audit can be found in Section 3 of the Florida PTA Kit of Materials:
If your gross receipts/revenues are less than $50,000, file Form 990N online, electronically now. It’s easy! To meet compliance, immediately forward the “accepted” e-filing receipt to Florida PTA after filing. Email the receipt to: [email protected]
Your PTA will need to file its federal “informational” 990 Tax Return annually:
IRS DEFINITION OF GROSS RECEIPTS: The IRS defines gross receipts as “the total amounts the organization received from all sources during its annual accounting period, without subtracting any costs or expenses.” Do not include or report income from the State and National Portion of the membership dues that are passed on to Florida PTA and National PTA.
HOW TO CALCULATE “NORMAL” / AVERAGE GROSS RECEIPTS: Tax-exempt organizations with annual gross receipts that are “normally” greater than $50,000 must file Form 990 or Form 990-EZ,
Calculate the three-year average of your gross receipts, including the current tax year. If the three year average of gross receipts is greater than $50,000 you MUST file the 990EZ or 990.
- If your PTA has gross receipts of $50,000 or less, file Form 990N electronically
- If your PTA has gross receipts greater than $50,000 but less than $200,000, file Form 990EZ
- If your PTA has gross receipts greater than or equal to $200,000, file Form 990(Long Form)
Once you have filed the 990N, 990EZ or 990, go to STEP 3.
The 990N, 990EZ or 990 (Long Form) or Form 8868 (Request for Extension) must be filed electronically with the IRS or mailed certified to the IRS by midnight November 15.
A complete copy of your annual IRS 990 tax return must be filed in your Treasurer’s Procedure book as part of the PTA’s permanent records.
If filing 990EZ or 990 (Long Form), scan and email a complete signed and dated copy including all schedules and attachments, to Florida PTA to meet compliance / If filing 990N or Form 8868, forward a copy of the “accepted” e-filing receipt to Florida PTA to meet compliance.
The IRS can revoke your unit’s tax-exempt status when failing to file returns for three consecutive years. If your PTA® has received a letter from the IRS stating that your tax-exempt status has been revoked, please contact [email protected] or Florida PTA immediately.