Each year, the Orange County Council of PTA/PTSAs recognizes local PTAs/PTSAs that do incredible things for the community’s children; advocating for every child, one voice.

PTA/PTSA Program Awards
Advocacy Award – This award is given to the PTA units that are promoting and supporting activities that advocate for students; changing laws, processes or methods to better the lives of every child. These activities must encompass the mission and purpose of PTA. Orange County Council PTA encourages all units to recognize their outstanding efforts by recommending themselves for this award. A unit may submit more than one program or project in this award category.
Outstanding Program of the Year Award – The purpose of this award is to recognize an outstanding program, project, or event sponsored by a local PTA/PTSA unit this year. This can include online and advocacy programs. The local unit must not have profited from the program or event.
Family Engagement Award – The purpose of this award is to honor a PTA/PTSA unit that strives to obtain a better relationship between families and the school community by implementing or supporting programs committed to the purposes of the PTA.
Multi-Media Award – The purpose of this award is to recognize an outstanding PTA/PTSAs effort in improving communication by providing information to members, students, staff and families in many different ways. Participation in 1 or all the following activities listed below is not a requirement to be eligible for this award. A unit may be considered in more than one award category
Givebacks (fka Memberhub)
Mobile Messenging
Newsletters (electronic)
Newsletters (paper)
Online Store
School Information Board
Social Media
Individual & Partner in Education Awards
Business Partner of the Year Award – The purpose of this award is to honor a organization who displays a commitment to the welfare of children, strives to obtain a better relationship between the home and school, and is committed to the purposes of the PTA.
President of the Year Award – The purpose of this award is to honor an outstanding President whose remarkable leadership went above and beyond the normal local unit presidential duties. A President who promoted, encouraged, supported, and managed programs, services, and/or projects, that displayed a commitment to the purposes of the PTA.
Principal of the Year Award – The purpose of this award is to honor a Principal who is committed to the purpose of PTA. A principal who regularly attends PTA/PTSA meetings (or sends a representative), encourages faculty & staff membership and participation, supports PTA/PTSA programs, and strives to obtain a better relationship between the school, home, and community.
S.T.A.R. Award – The purpose of this award is to honor a “STAR” Administrator or school staff member. An Assistant Principal, Dean, Teacher, or other Faculty Member who participates, contributes, and supports the PTA/PTSA through leadership, assistance, and encouragement of the PTA/PTSA and its programs.
Volunteer of the Year Award – The purpose of this award is to honor an outstanding PTA/PTSA Member who has demonstrated service and/or leadership in promoting programs that support the Purpose of PTA. Someone whose involvement, ideas, planning, and/or commitment to the welfare of children, strives to obtain a better relationship between the home and school, and is committed to the purpose of PTA. The nominee must have participated in at least 2 programs, projects, services, etc. that promoted/supported your PTA/PTSAs success.
Board Member of the Year Award – The purpose of this award is to honor an outstanding PTA/PTSA Board Member who goes above and beyond the normal local unit duties. A board member or chairperson who promoted, encouraged and supported, programs, services, and/or projects, that displayed a commitment to the purposes of the PTA.
PTA/PTSA Unit of the Year Award – The purpose of this award is to highlight a PTA and a PTSA that displays a commitment to the welfare of children, strives to obtain a better relationship between the home and school, and is committed to the purposes of the PTA.
M.A.R.S. Award – The purpose of this award is to honor an extraordinary Male volunteer. A male role model whose committed to the purpose of PTA and engages, encourages, supports, and/or promotes, male involvement.
Student Involvement Award – The purpose of this award is to honor an outstanding Middle or High School PTSA Student or student group, who have demonstrated service/leadership in programs, projects, services, etc. that promote the purpose of PTA.
Helping Hands Award – The purpose of this award is to honor a individual or PTA/PTSA partnership with another PTA/PTSA to obtain a better relationship between the home and school, and is committed to the purposes of the PTA.
Childrens’ Friend Award – The purpose of this award is to honor an individual who displays a commitment to the welfare of children, and is committed to the purposes of the PTA
PTA/PTSA for Your Child Award – The purpose of this award is to honor a local PTA/PTSA unit that demonstrates “There’s no wrong way to PTA/PTSA.”
We invite you to the Annual Awards & Scholarship Banquet on May 9, 2025!
We welcome all PTA leaders to attend this event and celebrate a year of dedication and tremendous efforts made for our students and PTAs/PTSAs.