2015-16 OCCPTA Local Unit Membership Invoice, is for the for your local unit’s dues for the 2015 – 2016 school year. In accordance with your bylaws, your unit is responsible for paying $50 due by October 31st to stay in good standing with the county and state. Florida PTA will receive a list of all the units that have made their payments in a monthly report so the units will be files in good standing. OCCPTA does not receive any funding from the membership dues from state or national. As OCCPTA is implementing the “Go Green” Initiative and cut down the use of paper, we will make every effort to send and share information via email and our website. If you do not have access to the internet or printer, please call us at the office and leave us a message and we will mail the forms to you. Please, contact Marucci Beard, 3rd Vice President at [email protected] should you require additional information.
You can now pay for your dues online by clicking below:
2015-2016 OCCPTA New and Returning President Form, allows OCCPTA to update the executive officers information for the local unit. Please be advised by filling out and emailing back this form you agree to have your local unit’s board information on the OCCPTA email distribution list. If you have a general question please email us at [email protected]
Please note that your unit must register your unit (new & returning officers) separately with Florida PTA. Click HERE. Please check off the box for 2015-2016.
2015-2016 Committee Interest Form: Are you or anyone on your executive board interested in becoming part of a committee? Take a moment and fill out our form and submit it to [email protected]
Members Only Section: Once OCCPTA receives payment for dues, your unit will receive an email with a password allowing you to retrieve additional forms and benefits for your unit.
Thank you for supporting your PTA & PTSA