Why PTA? Why Not PTA?
What Now?
It doesn’t take much time to get a Parent Teacher Association started.
It takes just one parent in your school to take the lead, and before you know it, there will be a group of dedicated parents and teachers doing what PTA has done best for more than 120 years: providing resources and programs to all families. Your Voice Matters. Volunteer and Join your PTA/PTSA today.
Every PTA/PTSA needs at least 10 Members and these 3 officers, elected by those same members.

A PTA/PTSA President
Oversees & Coordinates the work of the PTA effectively.

A PTA/PTSA Treasurer
Maintains the records to track unit funds and financial transactions.

A PTA/PTSA Secretary
Maintain all official records of the association.

Click to Join Your PTA/PTSA Today

The PTA/PTSA Principal
Believes in and Supports the PTA/PTSA

An Optional Officer
Helps lead towards specific goals consistent with PTA purposes.
Don’t Forget! There’s always a team of professional and volunteer leaders that is never more than a phone call or email away!
Stay Connected!
Questions? Email [email protected].